
オリジナルMRコンテンツ 【Sound Sphere】

Original MR Contents ― Sound Sphere

モーションコントローラーで気に入った音を確かめながら選び、投げてSphereの壁に衝突すると、 そこに花火が広がり納められた音がビートを刻み始めます。


Sound Sphereは先立ってHoloLens用に作成したアプリ【Holo Tones(】 をイマーシブデバイス用にアップデートしたアプリになります。

An original 3D acoustic experience app for immersive devices.
Objects each containing a single sound float in a surrounding sphere.
Choose your favorite sound with the motion controller and throw it to the wall of the sphere to activate it.
On activation, fireworks will appear and the selected sound will start to play in a beat. By layering several sounds, you can create your own musical beat.

The source of the sound is attached to the VR space, so that when the player moves around in the space, the individual sounds get respectively louder or quieter as the player moves closer or further away from the fireworks.

Sound Sphere is an app previously created for HoloLens, and will be updated for immersive devices. [Holo Tones (]

・MR / XR / HoloLens 2 / ホロレンズ / オリジナルコンテンツ / 開発